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 I do a lot of projects that do not turn out how I had hoped. In fact I have done two this fall that were so awful I only had them out in sight for about 24 hours before tossing them. However, every now and again I do a project that I end up really liking. One of those projects was the oversized moss letter tutorial.

This spring right around the time Lola arrived I showed you all my spring porch and a tutorial on how to make this letter. (It is kind of hard to tell in this photo but this is the moss letter NOT the corduroy one).
Well, I really liked the graphic punch in added to the porch so I decided to make another one for autumn using corduroy.  Here is how I did it. It was incredibly easy and cost less than $5!
****I made this late at night which already meant the photos were going to be awful but on top of that my flash is still broken so they are really dark and really blurry but at least you can get the general idea of each step.****
For this letter I decided to splurge and buy some foam board instead of just using cardboard. It was so much easier cutting through the foam board!

First, I drew out my letter. I think it would also be fun to do a number for a birthday party….I am thinking about doing something like this for Lillie’s next birthday.

Then I used a box cutter and scissors to cut out my letter.

Next I sprayed some spray fabric adhesive that I had from another project on the backside of the corduroy and pressed the foam board “H” down onto it.

 Then I just trimmed the corduroy around the letter leaving an extra inch or so. I folded the fabric over the back and pulled it tight and glued it to the backside. (I forgot to take a photo of that but it is the same as I did for the moss version that you can find here).

Then I just pulled everything tight and added it to the porch!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!

An "Eye-Popping" Photoshop Tutorial
Jane Austen Mini Book Tutorial and Free Download plus a JANE AUSTEN GIVEAWAY!

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18 thoughts on “A Quick Corduroy Letter Tutorial

  1. It looks so good! I might try it out but then toss it after 24 hours ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your pictures are still very good regardless of the low light and time of day!

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